OK, its time to go east now. We woke up in Como (not Lake Como, Como South Perth). A quick trip down to the Como bakery produced a cracker beef and mushroom pie. Some lovely apple pies. 10cm high lemon meringue pies and a pork roll. Ready to hit the road. Todays destination is Kalgoorlie. At the wheel of the Dualis is Qantas Captain Anson and in the back seat is Crash Kennedy. Short leg today, just 6 hours.

Our friend for the next week
Road trains from here on in. Can be up to 400m long

In Italy it was fiat, fiat, fiat, fiat and fiat. Just trucks out here
Hard to explain how big the sky is and how far away the horizon is
Quick stop for a Chiko Roll and fuel

And fuel??? Maybe?????
So, as the sun started to go down we had a look at the super pit. I saw this on Top Gear once and they did a hill climb race up it. Its a big hole. If you zoom right in theres a truck that holds 400 ton in the bottom that looks like a Tonka Toy. Lots of gold came out of here back in the day
There are a few famous pubs in Kalgoorlie one of which is Paddys. Its a big joint with a front bar and a large spacious restaurant. Crash wanted a Parmy and a Pot and the word on the street was they were the best in town.
I grabbed a steak and noticed they had a good winelist. Brown Brothers makes a range of wines, the Patricia label being their highest level. I snapped it up fast. Great wine. The parmy came out and it was huge ( the main way the quality of a Parmy is defined is by its physical size) and the steak was high quality and perfectly cooked and the flavours in the Duck Steamed Buns were spot on. Great food and great wine.

Then, off to The Exchange for a couple of snappy beers then a kebab. Now, all three of us on this trip have a background in growing up in the Wauchope/Port Macquarie area. Back in the 80’s and 90’s we were all regulars at a kebab shop up there called Lucky Kids. Lucky Kids has a legendary status amongst our circle of friends and is the bar against all other kebabs are measured. So, when the chicken kebab contained meat not cooked upright against a burner but was chicken on a stick cooked on a flat hot plate there were grumblings. But, that is a kebab of sorts. True. But, then an egg was cracked on to the hotplate and thats when the trouble started. Lucky Kids didnt have fried eggs in their kebabs. The outrage was palpable and you could have cut the air with a knife.
Finally, three kebabs were presented to a skeptical audience. They were crumbly (Lucky Kid kebabs were rolled like a cuban cigar) and soon lettuce and chicken was all over the footpath. But, they were good. I called it at that point and went back to bed while Anson and Crash returned to the Exchange. When they woke me later in the night they said they had gone back for a second kebab. The ultimate compliment!